Thursday, April 7, 2011

Volume Fluid Tests

Here's some videos of volume fluid tests I did.

I first started out using the shelf tools to get the fluid surface:

 Then I tried using the whitecaps tool from the shelf: I liked how the particles spread out to the side.

 Then I tried to get more particles from using the surfels:

Then I combined the two together:

Lastly some bubbles!

It took me about a month to get to this point. It was a lot of tutorial watching and some VEX building to get the effects I was hoping for and I was pretty happy with the results....UNTIL one day Jeff Wagner, our Senior Technology Consultant stopped by my desk and blew my mind!  I couldn't thank him enough for sitting down with me and showing me the stuff that he did.  It was like a week's full of lessons all crammed into two and a half hours.

*updates to come

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